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Valet - phpMyAdmin throws 404 not found

Before installing Laravel and Valet on my dev environment (Ubuntu), I had installed PHP 7, MySQL and phpMyAdmin and everything was working fine.

In order to install Valet I had to disable apache2 as Valet was complaining during the instalation and add nginx and follow these steps https://github.com/cpriego/valet-linux/wiki/Requirements:%20Ubuntu

However after the instalation when I try to access the phpMyAdmin through the browser I'm getting the default white page 404 - not found. How can I fix this?

like image 642
ltdev Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 20:03


2 Answers

You have parked your workspace directory using

valet park

Clone the phpmyadmin repository using

git clone https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin --depth=1
cd phpmyadmin
composer install

In the same directory just download phpmyadmin package & extract it. You will be able to access it from

like image 197
Ganesh Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 05:03


If you have phpmyadmin already installed from your last setup, you don't have to download it & install it again. I was facing the same thing migrating to valet from lamp, this is what I did:

1- Navigate to original phpmyadmin folder

cd /usr/share/phpmyadmin

2- Then add a link to valet

valet link

Hooray! you can now access it at: phpmyadmin.test

like image 24
Kash Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 06:03
