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Vala for pidgin plugins




Has anyone tried writing a pidgin or libpurple plugin in Vala? From a quick look at the Vala homepage it seems like it would be a great language for it, and make a good opportunity to learn Vala, but learning both Vala and the fine art of pidgin plugins at the same time is a little overwhelming. Anyone have any pointers?

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Martin DeMello Avatar asked Sep 16 '09 17:09

Martin DeMello

2 Answers

Pidgin-Games is a plugin for pidgin written in vala. You could have a look at its source code http://pidgin-games.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pidgin-games/trunk/src/. You probably will want to read the Vala Tutorial and code samples first if you haven't already.

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Isaiah Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


I also started writing a VAPI for libpurple and I also was able to write a small libpurple client for testing purposes in Vala... So the answer can only be of course! ;)

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Treviño Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
