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uwsgi http is ambiguous

Im trying to run Django application on uwsgi but get the below error.

uwsgi --http :8000 --home /home/cuser/.virtualenvs/vq --chdir /var/www/sid/sid -w wsgi.py

uwsgi: option '--http' is ambiguous
getopt_long() error

When I change from -http to --socket it works but again it says --home is ambiguous

like image 422
user1050619 Avatar asked Feb 17 '16 15:02


People also ask

What is the use of uWSGI?

uWSGI is an open source software application that "aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services". It is named after the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI), which was the first plugin supported by the project. uWSGI is maintained by Italian based software company unbit.

What is uWSGI socket?

uWSGI includes an HTTP/HTTPS router/proxy/load-balancer that can forward requests to uWSGI workers. The server can be used in two ways: embedded and standalone. In embedded mode, it will automatically spawn workers and setup the communication socket.

1 Answers

This is most likely because you have uwsgi installed from your distributions packaged binaries, which are more minimal in their build and lack some of the plugins.

You can fix this by either pip install uwsgi and replace uwsgi with path/to/uwsgi/binary/installed/using/pip. You can find that using pip show uwsgi.

[Please note: use pip3 if you're using python3]

Another method would be to download the respective http/python3 plugins and running the following command:

uwsgi --plugins http,python --http :8000 --home /home/cuser/.virtualenvs/vq --chdir /var/www/sid/sid -w wsgi.py
like image 183
oxalorg Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
