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using yield in C# like I would in Ruby

Besides just using yield for iterators in Ruby, I also use it to pass control briefly back to the caller before resuming control in the called method. What I want to do in C# is similar. In a test class, I want to get a connection instance, create another variable instance that uses that connection, then pass the variable to the calling method so it can be fiddled with. I then want control to return to the called method so that the connection can be disposed. I guess I'm wanting a block/closure like in Ruby. Here's the general idea:

private static MyThing getThing()
    using (var connection = new Connection())
        yield return new MyThing(connection);

public void MyTest1()
    // call getThing(), use yielded MyThing, control returns to getThing()
    // for disposal

public void MyTest2()
    // call getThing(), use yielded MyThing, control returns to getThing()
    // for disposal


This doesn't work in C#; ReSharper tells me that the body of getThing cannot be an iterator block because MyThing is not an iterator interface type. That's definitely true, but I don't want to iterate through some list. I'm guessing I shouldn't use yield if I'm not working with iterators. Any idea how I can achieve this block/closure thing in C# so I don't have to wrap my code in MyTest1, MyTest2, ... with the code in getThing()'s body?

like image 726
Sarah Vessels Avatar asked Jun 03 '10 16:06

Sarah Vessels

2 Answers

What you want are lambda expressions, something like:

// not named GetThing because it doesn't return anything
private static void Thing(Action<MyThing> thing)
    using (var connection = new Connection())
        thing(new MyThing(connection));

// ...
// you call it like this

This captures t the same way yield does in Ruby. The C# yield is different, it constructs generators that can be iterated over.

like image 117
Blindy Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10


You say you want to use C#'s yield keyword the same way you would use Ruby's yield keyword. You seem to be a little confused about what the two actually do: the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other, what you are asking for, is simply not possible.

The C# yield keyword is not the C# equivalent of the Ruby yield keyword. In fact, there is no equivalent to the Ruby yield keyword in C#. And the Ruby equivalent to C#'s yield keyword is not the yield keyword, it's the Enumerator::Yielder#yield method (also aliased as Enumerator::Yielder#<<).

IOW, it's for returning the next element of an iterator. Here's an abridged example from the official MSDN documentation:

public static IEnumerable Power(int number, int exponent) {
    var counter = 0;
    var result = 1;
    while (counter++ < exponent) {
        result *= number;
        yield return result; }}

Use it like so:

foreach (int i in Power(2, 8)) { Console.Write("{0} ", i); }

The Ruby equivalent would be something like:

def power(number, exponent)
  Enumerator.new do |yielder|
    result = 1
    1.upto(exponent-1) { yielder.yield result *= number } end end

puts power(2, 8).to_a

In C#, yield is used to yield a value to the caller and in Ruby, yield is used to yield control to a block argument

In fact, in Ruby, yield is just a shortcut for Proc#call.

Imagine, if yield didn't exist. How would you write an if method in Ruby? It would look like this:

class TrueClass
  def if(code)

class FalseClass
  def if(_); end

true.if(lambda { puts "It's true!" })

This is kind of cumbersome. In Ruby 1.9, we get proc literals and a shortcut syntax for Proc#call, which make it a little bit nicer:

class TrueClass
  def if(code)

true.if(->{ puts "It's true!' })

However, Yukihiro Matsumoto noticed, that the vast majority of higher-order procedures only take one procedure argument. (Especially since Ruby has several control-flow constructs built into the language, which would otherwise require multiple procedure arguments, like if-then-else which would require two and case-when which would require n arguments.) So, he created a specialized way to pass exactly one procedural argument: the block. (In fact, we already saw an example of this at the very beginning, because Kernel#lambda is actually just a normal method which takes a block and returns a Proc.)

class TrueClass
  def if(&code)

true.if { puts "It's true!" }

Now, since we can only ever pass exactly one block into a method, we really don't need to explicitly name the variable, since there can never be an ambiguity anyway:

def if
  ???.() # But what do we put here? We don't have a name to call #call on!

However, since we now no longer have a name that we can send messages to, we need some other way. And again, we get one of those 80/20 solutions that are so typical for Ruby: there are tons of things that one might want to do with a block: transform it, store it in an attribute, pass it to another method, inspect it, print it … However, by far the most common thing to do is to call it. So, matz added another specialized shortcut syntax for exactly this common case: yield means "call the block that was passed to the method". Therefore, we don't need a name:

def if; yield end

So, what is the C# equivalent to Ruby's yield keyword? Well, let's go back to the first Ruby example, where we explicitly passed the procedure as an argument:

def foo(bar)

foo ->name { puts "Higher-order Hello World from #{name}!" }

The C# equivalent is exactly the same:

void Foo(Action<string> bar) => bar("StackOverflow")

Foo(name => { Console.WriteLine("Higher-order Hello World from {0]!", name); })
like image 41
Jörg W Mittag Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10

Jörg W Mittag