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Using Vee-validate to disable button until form is filled out correctly

I want to disable my submit button until my form is filled out correctly, this is what I have so far:

   <input type="text" class="form-control" v-validate="'required|email'" name="email" placeholder="Email" v-model="userCreate.userPrincipalName" />
   <span v-show="errors.has('email')">{{ errors.first('email') }}</span>
   <button v-if="errors.any()" disabled="disabled" class="btn btn-primary" v-on:click="sendInvite();" data-dismiss="modal" type="submit">Send Invite</button>
   <button v-else="errors.any()" class="btn btn-primary" v-on:click="sendInvite();" data-dismiss="modal" type="submit">Send Invite</button>

The above only prints an error message and disables my submit button after I've started inputting a value. I need it to be disabled from the start, before I start interacting with the input, so that I cannot send an empty string.

Another question is if there is a better way than using v-ifto do this?


 userCreate: {
        customerId: null,
        userPrincipalName: '',
        name: 'unknown',
        isAdmin: false,
        isGlobalAdmin: false,
        parkIds: []
like image 591
Green_qaue Avatar asked Nov 08 '17 11:11


People also ask

How do you disable submit button until form is filled?

Just click f12 in your browser, find the submit button in the html, and then remove the disabled ! It will submit the form even if the inputs are empty.

How would you ensure that button code will disable the submit button if the form is invalid?

If the textbox control value is invalid, we also want to disable the submit button so that the user cannot submit the form. We are using the “ng-disabled” property for the control to do this based on the conditional value of the “$dirty” and “$invalid” property of the control.

How do you disable submit button until form is filled in VUE JS?

To disable button until all validation rules are true with Vuetify and Vue. js, we can bind a reactive property to the form validation result value with v-model on v-form . And then we can use that to conditionally disable the button.

How do you use V validation?

All you need is to add the v-validate directive to the input you wish to validate and make sure your input has a name attribute for error messages generation. Then, pass to the directive a rules string which contains a list of validation rules separated by a pipe ' | '.

1 Answers

Probably simpliest way is to use ValidationObserver slot for a form. Like this:

<ValidationObserver v-slot="{ invalid }">
  <form @submit.prevent="submit">
    <InputWithValidation rules="required" v-model="first" :error-messages="errors" />
    <InputWithValidation rules="required" v-model="second" :error-messages="errors" />
    <v-btn :disabled="invalid">Submit</v-btn>

More info - Validation Observer

like image 96
Saulius Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10
