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Using Varnish for cache along with IIS

Can we use a Varnish cache server to serve ASP.NET pages? My intention is to host another cache server to improve the performance by caching most accessed and shared data. To rent another IIS server, it will cost again.

Instead can I use any another cache server like Varnish/Squid to store web pages and serve cached data?

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ram Avatar asked Mar 28 '11 15:03


1 Answers

Varnish could be used to cache IIS data but the real question is would it make IIS faster in the first place?

This depends on the load of your IIS server of course, but given that caching would be relevant (actually speeding up things) then you probably would benefit from testing other, more scalable options here is a comparison of Varnish, Nginx, ATS, Lighty, etc..

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grettan Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
