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Using variables in Gradle build script




I am using Gradle in my project. I have a task for doing some extra configuration with my war. I need to build a string to use in my task like, lets say I have:

task extraStuff{     doStuff 'org.springframework:spring-web:3.0.6.RELEASE@war' } 

This works fine. What I need to do is define version (actually already defined in properties file) and use this in the task like:

springVersion=3.0.6.RELEASE  task extraStuff{     doStuff 'org.springframework:spring-web:${springVersion}@war' } 

My problem is spring version is not recognised as variable. So how can I pass it inside the string?

like image 803
huzeyfe Avatar asked Jan 08 '16 11:01


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2 Answers

If you're developing an Android APP using Gradle, you can declare a variable (i.e holding a dependency version) thanks to the keyword def like below:

def version = '1.2'      dependencies {   compile "groupId:artifactId:${version}" } 

Hope that helped!

like image 194
hzitoun Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10


I think the problem may lay on string literal delimiters:

  1. The string literals are defined exactly as in groovy so enclose it in single or double quotes (e.g. "3.0.6.RELEASE");
  2. Gstrings are not parsed in single quotes strings (both single '...' or triple '''...''' ones) if i recall correctly;

So the code will be:

springVersion = '3.0.6.RELEASE' //or with double quotes "..."  task extraStuff{     doStuff "org.springframework:spring-web:${springVersion}@war" } 
like image 23
Giuseppe Ricupero Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Giuseppe Ricupero