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Using variable as keyword passed to **kwargs in Python

I have a function that updates a record via an API. The API accepts a variety of optional keyword parameters:

def update_by_email(self, email=None, **kwargs):
    result = post(path='/do/update/email/{email}'.format(email=email), params=kwargs)

I have another function that uses the first function to update an individual field in the record:

def update_field(email=None, field=None, field_value=None):
    """Encoded parameter should be formatted as <field>=<field_value>"""
    request = update_by_email(email=email, field=field_value)

This doesn't work. When I call:

update_field(email='joe@me.com', field='name', field_value='joe')

the url is encoded as:


How can I get it to encode as:


Thank you in advance.

like image 794
Josh Avatar asked Mar 13 '14 16:03


1 Answers

Rather than passing the parameter named as field, you can use dictionary unpacking to use the value of field as the name of the parameter:

request = update_by_email(email, **{field: field_value})

Using a mock of update_by_email:

def update_by_email(email=None, **kwargs):

When I call

update_field("joe@me.com", "name", "joe")

I see that kwargs inside update_by_email is

{'name': 'joe'}
like image 174
jonrsharpe Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
