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Using v-for with v-on:click in a Vue Component

I have what I think is a basic question for Vue, but I'm trying to run a method on click while also running a v-for loop on a component.

I'm not sure why but I can't get anything to run on that click handler but I see nothing in the Vue documentation saying that this isn't possible. Right now I'd settle for getting my console log running.

    v-for="step in steps"

Here is the template for IconBox.vue:

  <div class="icon-box">
      :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + step.image + ')' }"
    <div class="text">
      <div class="inner">
        <h5>{{ step.name }}</h5>
        <p v-if="step.description">{{ step.description }}</p>
        {{ isSelected }}

I could run the click in the component itself but I need the parent well aware of what's happening to handle a selected boolean.

like image 269
brunam Avatar asked Jan 27 '23 22:01


1 Answers

To use native events in component tags you should add .native modifier

<IconBox @click.native="yourMethod"/>

Check this guide.

To check it I suggest you to create a method and add console.log() inside it.

like image 143
Fab Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 12:01
