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Using underscore to sort nested objects in an array

Consider the following expanded object:

enter image description here

Now each of these objects is stored into an array and its easy to sort by name, email, created_at or what ever else. But what about if I wanted to sore by the users profile investor type. In the image you would do: data.profile.data.investor_type to get the investor type.

How do I use underscore to sort an array of these objects by nested attributes in the object?

like image 889
TheWebs Avatar asked Oct 02 '15 15:10


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html. Output: Using a property of the array: Apply _. sortBy() method to strings and first declare the array (here array is 'arr'). Choose one property of the array on the basis of which need to sort like here 'name'.

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1 Answers

You can use _.sortBy with the exact code you have show

_.sortBy(data, function(obj) { return obj.profile.data.investor_type; });

If your environment supports ECMA Script 2015's Fat-arrow functions, then you can write the same as

_.sortBy(data, (obj) => obj.profile.data.investor_type);
like image 156
thefourtheye Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
