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Using tinyurl.com in a .Net application ... possible?

I found the following code to create a tinyurl.com url:


This will automatically create a tinyurl url. Is there a way to do this using code, specifically C# in ASP.NET?

like image 766
mattruma Avatar asked Dec 14 '08 03:12


People also ask

Does TinyURL have an API?

TinyURL offers an API which allows applications to automatically create short URLs.

2 Answers

You should probably add some error checking, etc, but this is probably the easiest way to do it:

System.Uri address = new System.Uri("http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=" + YOUR ADDRESS GOES HERE);
System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();
string tinyUrl = client.DownloadString(address);
like image 194
mcrumley Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09


After doing some more research ... I stumbled upon the following code:

    public static string MakeTinyUrl(string url)
            if (url.Length <= 30)
                return url;
            if (!url.ToLower().StartsWith("http") && !Url.ToLower().StartsWith("ftp"))
                url = "http://" + url;
            var request = WebRequest.Create("http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=" + url);
            var res = request.GetResponse();
            string text;
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream()))
                text = reader.ReadToEnd();
            return text;
        catch (Exception)
            return url;

Looks like it may do the trick.

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mattruma Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
