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Using this.sendAction() in components?

I am using Ember 2.2.0

When writing components I used to propagate events from the component to the route (or whatever embeds the component) with this.sendAction(…). I checked out the docs lately and discovered that they advise another approach. https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.2.0/components/triggering-changes-with-actions/


Since Ember is known to be very opinionated I want to stick as much to the best practices as possible. But I am not sure if the docs might be out of date or the tutorials using sendActions are.

So I would like what is the way to do this?

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maximusmusterus Avatar asked Jan 11 '16 18:01


2 Answers

When you are using this.sendAction('actionName') you're bubbling up an action which you'll have to catch on the component/controller with actions

actions: {
  actionName: function() {
    //Do something

If you want to send that up the chain, you'll have to call sendAction('') again on the component/controller and catch it again on the parent (and so on).

The other approach this.get('action')() uses closure actions, which are regular javascript functions. These are the preferred way to invoke actions in Ember 1.13.X as far as I know. One neat thing that closure actions have is that you can have return values. Meaning that you can have something like this:

//a controller
actions: {
  saveResult() {
    return this.get('model').save(); //notice the return (which returns a promise)

//some template that uses the controller above
{{a-component save=(action 'saveResult')}} // Passes the saveResult action to the component

actions: {
  someAction: function() {
     this.attrs.save().then(() => {
       //Do something with the return value

A lot can be written about closure actions, but others have written far better than I could, so I recommend the following articles:

  • Ember Closure Actions #1
  • Ember Closure Actions #2
  • Ember Closure Actions #3

And if you're new to the whole DDAU (Data Down Actions Up) concept, I really recommend Sam's article about the concept in general.

Update: There's also an addon (linked in the comments by @locks) which allows closure actions to bubble to routes. Note that if you look to upgrade Ember to more recent versions (3.8 and up), route-actions will not be compatible.

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Pedro Rio Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 11:11

Pedro Rio

For those using Ember version >=3.4:

Use closure actions instead of sendAction

sendAction has been deprecated in 3.4. You can find an example of how to define closure actions under the relevant deprecation text:


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Ariella Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 11:11
