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Using $(this) in setTimeout();

I want to set timeouts dynamically in jQuery. The dynamically set timeout functions need to use $("this"), but I can't seem to get it working.

An exmple:

    var content = $(this).attr('data-content')


What is the best way to do this?

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ONOZ Avatar asked May 09 '12 08:05


2 Answers

    var content = $(this).attr('data-content'),
        $this = $(this); // here $this keeps the reference of $(this)
    setTimeout(function() {

      // within this funciton you can't get the $(this) because
      // $(this) resides within in the scope of .each() function i.e $(this)
      // is an asset of .each() not setTimeout()
      // so to get $(this) here, we store it within a variable (here: $this) 
      // and then using it

    }, $this.attr('data-delay'));


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thecodeparadox Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09


Your code should look like this:

  1. pass a function instead of a string. Explanation: When passing a string to setTimeout you get problems, because it runs in a different scope than you original one, and thus you get errors.

  2. use the jQuery data()method

         var content = $(this).attr('data-content'),
             $el = $(this),
             setContent = function(){

You can assign a function to a variable and pass that variable as parameter to setTimeout, this is the cleanest way.

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Christoph Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09
