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Using the Y Combinator in C#


I'm trying to figure out how to write recursive functions (e.g. factorial, although my functions are much more complicated) in one line. To do this, I thought of using the Lambda Calculus' Y combinator.

Here's the first definition:

Y = λf.(λx.f(x x))(λx.f(x x)) 

Here's the reduced definition:

Y g = g(Y g) 

I attempted to write them in C# like this:

// Original Lambda Y = f => (new Lambda(x => f(x(x)))(new Lambda(x => f(x(x))))); // Reduced Lambda Y = null; Y = g => g(Y(g)); 

(Lambda is a Func<dynamic, dynamic>. I first tried to typedef it with using, but that didn't work, so now it's defined with delegate dynamic Lambda(dynamic arg);)

My factorial lambda looks like this (adapted from here):

Lambda factorial = f => new Lambda(n =>  n == 1 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1)); 

And I call it like this:

int result = (int)(Y(factorial))(5); 

However, in both cases (original and reduced forms of the Y combinator), I end up with a stack overflow exception. From what I can surmise from using the reduced form, it seems as if it just ends up calling Y(factorial(Y(factorial(Y(factorial(... and never ends up actually entering the factorial lambda.

Since I don't have much experience debugging C# lambda expressions and I certainly don't understand much of the lambda calculus, I don't really know what's going on or how to fix it.

In case it matters, this question was inspired by trying to write a one-line answer to this question in C#.

My solution is the following:

static IEnumerable<string> AllSubstrings(string input) {     return (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, input.Length)             from j in Enumerable.Range(1, input.Length - i)             select input.Substring(i, j))             .SelectMany(substr => getPermutations(substr, substr.Length)); } static IEnumerable<string> getPermutations(string input, int length) {     return length == 1 ? input.Select(ch => ch.ToString()) :         getPermutations(input, length - 1).SelectMany(             perm => input.Where(elem => !perm.Contains(elem)),             (str1, str2) => str1 + str2); } // Call like this: string[] result = AllSubstrings("abcd").ToArray(); 

My goal is to write getPermutations as a one-line self-recursive lambda so that I can insert it into the SelectMany in AllSubstrings and make a one-liner out of AllSubstrings.

My questions are the following:

  1. Is the Y combinator possible in C#? If so, what am I doing wrong in the implementation?
  2. If the Y combinator is possible in C#, how would I make my solution to the substrings problem (the AllSubstrings function) a one-liner?
  3. Whether or not the Y combinator is not possible in C#, are there any other methods of programming that would allow for one-lining AllSubstrings?
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Jashaszun Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 21:08


People also ask

What is Y combinator in CS?

The Y combinator is a formula which lets you implement recursion in a situation where functions can't have names but can be passed around as arguments, used as return values, and defined within other functions. It works by passing the function to itself as an argument, so it can call itself.

What is important about the lambda calculus expression called Y combinator '?

The Y combinator is a central concept in lambda calculus, which is the formal foundation of functional languages. Y allows one to define recursive functions without using self-referential definitions.

What is AY combinator?

Y Combinator (YC) is an American technology startup accelerator launched in March 2005. It has been used to launch more than 3,000 companies, including Airbnb, Coinbase, Cruise, DoorDash, Dropbox, Instacart, Quora, PagerDuty, Reddit, Stripe and Twitch.

1 Answers

Here's the implementation of the Y-combinator that I use in c#:

public delegate T S<T>(S<T> s);  public static T U<T>(S<T> s) {     return s(s); }  public static Func<A, Z> Y<A, Z>(Func<Func<A, Z>, Func<A, Z>> f) {     return U<Func<A, Z>>(r => a => f(U(r))(a)); } 

I can use it like:

var fact = Y<int, int>(_ => x => x == 0 ? 1 : x * _(x - 1)); var fibo = Y<int, int>(_ => x => x <= 1 ? 1 : _(x - 1) + _(x - 2)); 

It truly scares me, so I'll leave the next two parts of your question to you, given this as a starting point.

I've had a crack at the function.

Here it is:

var allsubstrings =     Y<string, IEnumerable<string>>         (_ => x => x.Length == 1             ? new [] { x }             : Enumerable                 .Range(0, x.Length)                 .SelectMany(i =>                     _(x.Remove(i, 1))                     .SelectMany(z => new [] { x.Substring(i, 1) + z, z }))                 .Distinct()); 

Of course, you run it like this:


From which I got this result:

abcd  bcd  acd  cd  abd  bd  ad  d  abdc  bdc  adc  dc  abc  bc  ac  c  acbd  cbd  acdb  cdb  adb  db  acb  cb  ab  b  adbc  dbc  adcb  dcb  bacd  bad  badc  bac  bcad  cad  bcda  cda  bda  da  bca  ca  ba  a  bdac  dac  bdca  dca  cabd  cadb  cab  cbad  cbda  cba  cdab  dab  cdba  dba  dabc  dacb  dbac  dbca  dcab  dcba  

It seems that your non-Y-Combinator code in your question missed a bunch of permutations.

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Enigmativity Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
