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Using the 'TestCase' attribute with a two-dimensional array

I'm using NUnit and trying to implement tests for the following method: It should accept two integers and returns two dimensional array. So, header of my test looks like:

[TestCase(5, 1, new int[,]{{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}})]
public void MyTestMethod(int a, int b, int[][] r)

During compilation I've got the following error:

Error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type (CS0182)

I know it can be done using TestCaseSource to refer to object arrays like the answers to the following questions:

  • How do I put new List {1} in an NUNIT TestCase?
  • NUnit Sequential Attribute with arrays in Values

which gives code like:

private object[][] combination_tests =  new [] {
    new object[] {5, 1, new [,]{{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}}},

public void MyTestMethod(int a, int b, int[,] r)

but I still have the question: is it possible to do that with using only the TestCase attribute?

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mnlaptev Avatar asked Apr 18 '15 18:04


People also ask

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Accessing Elements of Two-Dimensional Arrays Elements in two-dimensional arrays are commonly referred by x[i][j] where 'i' is the row number and 'j' is the column number. For example: int[][] arr = new int[10][20]; arr[0][0] = 1; The above example represents the element present in first row and first column.

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Accessing Elements of Two-Dimensional Arrays: Elements in Two-Dimensional arrays are accessed using the row indexes and column indexes. Example: int x[2][1]; The above example represents the element present in the third row and second column.

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Here i and j are the size of the two dimensions, i.e i denotes the number of rows while j denotes the number of columns. Example: int A[10][20]; Here we declare a two-dimensional array in C, named A which has 10 rows and 20 columns.

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2 Answers

Is it absolutely necessary for you to have the same signature for your method, i.e.

public void MyTestMethod(int a, int b, int[][] r)
    // elided

Depending on your situation, you have two options available, both of which use the [TestCase] attribute as you said you wanted in the question:

is it possible to do that with using only the TestCase attribute?

I prefer the first option as it feels more concise, but both will suit your needs.

Option 1: If it is NOT necessary to keep the same signature

You could modify the signature slightly so that instead of an array (not compile-time constant), you pass in a string (which is compile-time constant) which can be used to obtain the array instead, e.g.

private static int[][] getArrayForMyTestMethod(string key)
    // logic to get from key to int[][]

[TestCase(5, 1, "dataset1")]
public void MyTestMethod(int a, int b, string rKey)
    int[][] r = getArrayForMyTestMethod(rKey);
    // elided

Option 2: If it IS necessary to keep the same signature

If it is necessary to keep the same signature for the method, you could have a wrapper method that does the same as option 1, i.e.

private static int[][] getArrayForMyTestMethod(string key)
    // logic to get from key to int[][]

[TestCase(5, 1, "dataset1")]
public void MyTestMethodWrapper(int a, int b, string rKey)
    int[][] r = getArrayForMyTestMethod(rKey);
    MyTestMethod(a, b, r);

public void MyTestMethod(int a, int b, int[][] r)
    // elided

Obviously you could use any type which can be compile-time constant instead of a string depending on the way your test cases are constructed, but I suggested a string because you'd be able to give a name to your test case in the NUnit runner that way.

Otherwise your alternative is to use [TestCaseSource] as you mentioned in your question.

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Wai Ha Lee Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Wai Ha Lee

You can use the testcasedata object to pass the results in

    public IEnumerable<TestCaseData> combination_tests()
          yield return new TestCaseData(5,1,new int[,] {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}});

    public void test(int a, int b, int[,] r)

            Console.WriteLine(r[0,0] & r[1,0]);


You can also set the test category and test name for each testCaseData item using .SetName("xxx") or .SetCategory("xxx") which can be nice for organizing the tests.

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Brendan Connolly Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Brendan Connolly