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Using the Task Parallel Library on an event-based asynchronous pattern

I'm writing a networked application.

Messages are sent over the transport as such:

Network.SendMessage (new FirstMessage() );

I can register an event handler to be called when this message type arrives, like so:

Network.RegisterMessageHandler<FirstMessage> (OnFirstMessageReceived);

And the event gets fired:

public void OnFirstMessageReceived(EventArgs<FirstMessageEventArgs> e)

I'm writing a custom authentication procedure for my networked application, which requires around five messages to complete.

Without using the Task Parallel Library, I would be forced to code the next step of each procedure in the preceding event handler, like so:

public void OnFirstMessageReceived(EventArgs<FirstMessageEventArgs> e)
     Network.SendMessage( new SecondMessage() );

public void OnSecondMessageReceived(EventArgs<SecondMessageEventArgs> e)
     Network.SendMessage( new ThirdMessage() );

public void OnThirdMessageReceived(EventArgs<ThirdMessageEventArgs> e)
     Network.SendMessage( new FourthMessage() );

public void OnFourthMessageReceived(EventArgs<FourthMessageEventArgs> e)
     // Authentication is complete

I don't like the idea of jumping around the source code to code a portion of this and a portion of that. It's hard to understand and edit.

I hear the Task Parallel Library substantially simplifies this solution.

However, many of the examples I read using the Task Parallel Library were related to starting a chain of active tasks. What I mean by 'active', is that each task could start when called explicitly, like so:

public void Drink() {}
public void Eat()   {}
public void Sleep() {}

Task.Factory.StartNew(     () => Drink() )
            .ContinueWith( () => Eat()   )
            .ContinueWith( () => Sleep() );

This is opposite from my event-based async pattern, in which each event handler method is called only when the message is received.

In other words, I can't do something like this (but I want to):

Task.Factory.StartNew(     () => OnFirstMessageReceived()  )
            .ContinueWith( () => OnSecondMessageReceived() )
            .ContinueWith( () => OnThirdMessageReceived()  )
            .ContinueWith( () => OnFourthMessageReceived() );

I've read this article, but I don't quite understand it. It seems like what I need has to do with TaskCompletionSource. If I wanted to make a task from my event-based async pattern like the code block above, what would it look like?

like image 901
Jason Avatar asked Sep 08 '11 01:09


People also ask

What is task-based asynchronous pattern?

In . NET, The task-based asynchronous pattern is the recommended asynchronous design pattern for new development. It is based on the Task and Task<TResult> types in the System. Threading. Tasks namespace, which are used to represent asynchronous operations.

What is asynchronous event programming?

Asynchronous programming is a technique that enables your program to start a potentially long-running task and still be able to be responsive to other events while that task runs, rather than having to wait until that task has finished. Once that task has finished, your program is presented with the result.

What is asynchronous event driven model?

Asynchronous is basically multitasking. It can spawn off multiple threads or processes to execute a certain function. It's totally different from event driven in the sense that each thread is independent and hardly interact with the main thread in an easy responsive manner.

What is task in asynchronous?

Asynchronous tasks run in the background and evaluate functions asynchronously when there is an event. Asynchronous tasks may run only until some work is completed, or they may be designed to run indefinitely.

1 Answers

You're right about TaskCompletionSource, it's the key to transforming EAP (event-based asynchronous pattern) to TPL's Task.

This is documented here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/parallel-programming/tpl-and-traditional-async-programming#exposing-complex-eap-operations-as-tasks

Here is the simplified code:

public static class Extensions  
    public static Task<XDocument> GetRssDownloadTask(
        this WebClient client, Uri rssFeedUri)
        // task completion source is an object, which has some state.
        // it gives out the task, which completes, when state turns "completed"
        // or else it could be canceled or throw an exception
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<XDocument>(); 

        // now we subscribe to completed event. depending on event result
        // we set TaskCompletionSource state completed, canceled, or error
        client.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => 
                  else if(null != e.Error)

        // now we start asyncronous operation
        // and return the underlying task immediately
        return tcs.Task;

Now, all you need to do, to make a chain of those operations, is just to set your continuations (which is not very comfortable at the moment, and the C# 5 await and async will help alot with it)

So, this code could be used like this:

public static void Main()
    var client = new WebClient();

        new Uri("http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/rss.aspx"))
        .ContinueWith( t => {
            ShowXmlInMyUI(t.Result); // show first result somewhere
            // start a new task here if you want a chain sequence

    // or start it here if you want to get some rss feeds simultaneously

    // if we had await now, we would add 
    // async keyword to Main method defenition and then

    XDocument feedEric = await client.GetRssDownloadTask(
        new Uri("http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/rss.aspx"));
    XDocument feedJon = await client.GetRssDownloadTask(
        new Uri("http://feeds.feedburner.com/JonSkeetCodingBlog?format=xml"));
    // it's chaining - one task starts executing after 
    // another, but it is still asynchronous
like image 99
Eugene Agafonov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10

Eugene Agafonov