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Using the same Symfony 2 form for edit & delete (differences in fields)




Currently I have a form

class Project extends AbstractType {
    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
        $builder->add('description', 'textarea');
        $builder->add('iconFile', 'file', array('label' => 'Icon', 'required' => false));
    // ...

I am using for edit & delete fine so far. But now, in the edit "mode", I want to allow the user to clear the icon for the project. I think I can add a radio button, but I will need it to be "inactive" in the add mode. For now I am handling the image upload in my model, and I'd hope to have it there (unless theres a better place to do it)

 * If isDirty && iconFile is null: deletes old icon (if any). 
 * Else, replace/upload icon
 * @ORM\PrePersist 
 * @ORM\PreUpdate
public function updateIcon() {

    $oldIcon = $this->iconUrl;

    if ($this->isDirty && $this->iconFile == null) {

        if (!empty($oldIcon) && file_exists(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $oldIcon)) 

    } else {

        // exit if not dirty | not valid
        if (!$this->isDirty || !$this->iconFile->isValid())

        // guess the extension
        $ext = $this->iconFile->guessExtension();
        if (!$ext) 
            $ext = 'png';

        // upload the icon (new name will be "proj_{id}_{time}.{ext}")
        $newIcon = sprintf('proj_%d_%d.%s', $this->id, time(), $ext);
        $this->iconFile->move(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/', $newIcon);

        // set icon with path to icon (relative to app root)
        $this->iconUrl = $newIcon;

        // delete the old file if any
        if (file_exists(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $oldIcon) 
            && is_file(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $oldIcon)) 

        // cleanup
        $this->isDirty = false;

like image 270
Jiew Meng Avatar asked May 08 '12 12:05

Jiew Meng

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2 Answers

You can put conditions during the form build using data:

class Project extends AbstractType {
    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
        $builder->add('description', 'textarea');
        $builder->add('iconFile', 'file', array('label' => 'Icon', 'required' => false));

        if ($builder->getData()->isNew()) { // or !getId()
            $builder->add('delete', 'checkbox'); // or whatever
    // ...
like image 93
Florian Klein Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10

Florian Klein

You can use form events, there is a recipe just for something like that:


like image 33
Fran Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10
