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Using 'switch' with strings in resource file

I have a bunch of strings in my resource(.resx) file. I am trying to directly use them as part of switch statement (see the sample code below).

class Test
    static void main(string[] args)
        string case = args[1];
            case StringResources.CFG_PARAM1: // Do Something1 
            case StringResources.CFG_PARAM2: // Do Something2
            case StringResources.CFG_PARAM3: // Do Something3

I looked at some of the solutions, most of them seem to suggest that I need to declare them as const string which I personally dislike. I liked the top voted solution for this question: using collection of strings in a switch statement. But then I need to make sure that my enum and strings in resource file are tied together. I would like to know a neat way of doing that.

Edit: Also found this great answer while researching how to use Action:

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rkg Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 21:02


People also ask

Can you do a switch statement with Strings?

Yes, we can use a switch statement with Strings in Java.

Is switch case case sensitive in c#?

The comparison perform between String objects in switch statements is case sensitive. You must use break statements in switch case.

2 Answers

You could use a Dictionary<string, Action>. You put an Action (a delegate to a method) for each string in the Dictionary and search it.

var actions = new Dictionary<string, Action> {
    { "String1", () => Method1() },
    { "String2", () => Method2() },
    { "String3", () => Method3() },

Action action;

if (actions.TryGetValue(myString, out action))
    // no action found

As a sidenote, if Method1 is already an Action or a void Method1() method (with no parameters and no return value), you could do

    { "String1", (Action)Method1 },
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xanatos Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10


You can't do that. The compiler must be able to evaluate the values, which means that they need to be literals or constants.

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Fredrik Mörk Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Fredrik Mörk