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Using SVG as background image




I can't seem to get this to work as desired. My page changes height based on what content is loaded and if it requires a scroll, the svg doesn't seem to be stretching...

html {    height: 100%;    background-image: url(http://www.horizonchampion.eu/themes/projectbase/images/bg.svg);    background-size: 100% 100%;    -o-background-size: 100% 100%;    -webkit-background-size: 100% 100%;    background-size: cover;  }
<svg width="1024" height="800" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">          <defs>              <radialGradient fy="0.04688" fx="0.48047" r="1.11837" cy="0.04688" cx="0.48047" id="svg_2">                  <stop stop-color="#ffffff" offset="0"/>                  <stop stop-opacity="0" stop-color="#eaeaea" offset="1"/>              </radialGradient>              <radialGradient fy="0.04688" fx="0.48047" r="1.71429" cy="0.04688" cx="0.48047" id="svg_5">                  <stop stop-color="#ffffff" offset="0"/>                  <stop stop-opacity="0" stop-color="#eaeaea" offset="1"/>              </radialGradient>           </defs>           <g display="inline">              <title>Layer 1</title>              <rect fill="#eaeaea" stroke-width="0" x="0" y="0" width="1024" height="800" id="svg_1"/>          </g>           <g>                <title>Layer 2</title>                <rect id="svg_3" height="282" width="527" y="1" x="1" stroke-width="0" fill="url(#svg_2)"/>                <rect id="svg_4" height="698" width="1021.99999" y="1" x="1" stroke-width="0" fill="url(#svg_5)"/>           </g>      </svg>

Is it possible to do this with just CSS3? I'd like to not have to load ANOTHER JS library or call...Any ideas? Thanks!

like image 672
Dirty Bird Design Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 23:02

Dirty Bird Design

People also ask

Can you use SVG as background image?

SVG images can be used as background-image in CSS as well, just like PNG, JPG, or GIF. All the same awesomeness of SVG comes along for the ride, like flexibility while retaining sharpness. Plus you can do anything a raster graphic can do, like repeat.

Can I use SVG as image?

SVG images can be written directly into the HTML document using the <svg> </svg> tag. To do this, open the SVG image in VS code or your preferred IDE, copy the code, and paste it inside the <body> element in your HTML document. If you did everything correctly, your webpage should look exactly like the demo below.

Is SVG faster than PNG?

SVGs are far smaller in size than PNGs and aren't likely to slow down your computer or website. (However, very detailed designs may slow down an SVG.) Because they're a vector file format, you can scale SVGs up or down without any loss in quality.

When should you use an SVG file?

SVG files tend to store images more efficiently than common raster formats as long as the image is not too detailed. SVG files contain enough information to display vectors at any scale, whereas bitmaps require larger files for scaled-up versions of images — more pixels use up more file space.

2 Answers

With my solution you're able to get something similar:

svg background image css

Here is bulletproff solution:

Your html: <input class='calendarIcon'/>

Your SVG: i used fa-calendar-alt


(any IDE may open svg image as shown below)

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512">   <path d="M148 288h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zm108-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 96v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96-260v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"/> </svg> 

To use it at css background-image you gotta encode the svg to address valid string. I used this tool (name: URL Decoder—Convert garbled address)

As far as you got all stuff you need, you're coming to css

.calendarIcon{       //your url will be something like this:       background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,***<here place encoded svg>***");       background-repeat: no-repeat;     } 

Note: these styling wont have any effect on encoded svg image

.{       fill: #f00; //neither this       background-color: #f00; //nor this } 

because all changes over the image must be applied directly to its svg code

<svg xmlns="" path="" fill="#f00"/></svg>

To achive the location righthand i copied some Bootstrap spacing and my final css get the next look:

.calendarIcon{       background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg...svg%3E");       background-repeat: no-repeat;       padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);       background-position: center right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);       background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);     } 
like image 162
Alexey Nikonov Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Alexey Nikonov

You can try removing the width and height attributes on the svg root element, adding preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1024 800" instead. It makes a difference in Opera at least, assuming you wanted the svg to stretch to fill the entire region defined by the CSS styles.

like image 42
Erik Dahlström Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Erik Dahlström