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Using sql queries in EF

I am getting data from database in following way:

 result = (from d in context.FTDocuments
                          join f in context.FTDocFlags on d.ID equals f.DocID into fgrp
                          from x in fgrp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          where d.LevelID == levelID && x.UserID == userID && d.Status.Equals(DocumentStatus.NEW)
                          select new Entities.Document
                              ArrivalDate = d.ArrivalDate.Value,
                              BundleReference = d.BundleRef,
                              CreatedDate = d.CreatedDate,
                              CustomerID = d.CustomerID,
                              DocType = d.DocType.Value,
                              GuidID = d.DocGuid,
                              ID = d.ID,
                              LastExportID = d.LastExpID,
                              LevelID = d.LevelID,
                              ProfileID = d.ProfileID,
                              ScanDate = d.ScanDate.Value,
                              ScanOperator = d.ScanOperator,
                              SenderEmail = d.SenderEmail,
                              Status = d.Status,
                              VerifyOperator = d.VerOperator,
                              FlagNo = x == null ? 0 : x.FlagNo,
                              FlagUserID = x == null ? 0 : x.UserID

Now, I am try to achieve this by using sql queries:

var test = context.Database.SqlQuery<string>("select *from FTDocument d left outer join FTDocFlag f on d.ID=f.DocID").ToList();

But get the following error:

The data reader has more than one field. Multiple fields are not valid for EDM primitive or enumeration types

Is it possible to use complex queries like above?

I use EF 6.0.

like image 610
mrd Avatar asked May 04 '18 08:05


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Video Answer

1 Answers

your query does not return a single string. Use like:

var test = context.Database.SqlQuery<Entities.Document>("...");
like image 139
apomene Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10
