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Using Spring profiles inside a namespace





You don't need to know CXF to answer this question.

Suppose I have the following XML declaration which creates a JAXRS server using CXF

  <jaxrs:server id="customerService" address="/service1">
      <ref bean="serviceBean1" />
      <ref bean="serviceBean2" />
      <ref bean="serviceBean3" />

Now I need to find a way to customize this JAXRS server per environment, using Spring profiles mechanism. I could do something like:

 <beans profile="dev">
    <jaxrs:server id="jaxrsServer" address="/service1">
        <ref bean="serviceBean2" />
        <ref bean="serviceBean3" />

  <beans profile="prod">
    <jaxrs:server id="jaxrsServer" address="/service1">
        <ref bean="serviceBean1" />
        <ref bean="serviceBean2" />

But it is not what I would like to have, because my real-world JAXRS server is a bit more complicated than in my exemple.

What I am looking for is something like that:

<jaxrs:server id="jaxrsServer" address="/service1">
    <beans profile="dev">
      <ref bean="serviceBean1" />
      <ref bean="serviceBean2" />
    <beans profile="dev">
      <ref bean="serviceBean2" />
      <ref bean="serviceBean3" />

But it doesn't work.

I tried to externalize my list creation:

  <bean id="serviceBeansList" class="java.util.ArrayList">
        <ref bean="serviceBean1"/>
        <ref bean="serviceBean2"/>

<jaxrs:server id="jaxrsServer" address="/service1">
      <ref bean="serviceBeansList" />

It still doesn't work because CXF namespace handler does not "flatten" the list, so instead of dealing with a list of 2 serviceBeans objects, it deals with a list of 1 ArrayList, which is not a type handled by CXF.

The Spring XML parsing tries to get a list. I found that in CXF namespace handling code:

if ( "serviceBeans".equals(name) ) {
            List<?> list = ctx.getDelegate().parseListElement(el, bean.getBeanDefinition());
            bean.addPropertyValue(name, list);

Instead of referencing a bean, isn't it possible to reference a "xml declaration fragment" with Spring or something else that could work?

like image 342
Sebastien Lorber Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 17:11

Sebastien Lorber

1 Answers

Have you tried using aliases + profiles

<jaxrs:server id="jaxrsServer" address="/service1">
    <ref bean="serviceBeanA" />
    <ref bean="serviceBeanB" />

<beans profile="profile1">
  <alias name="serviceBean1" alias="serviceBeanA"/>
  <alias name="serviceBean2" alias="serviceBeanB" />
<beans profile="profile2">
  <alias name="serviceBean3" alias="serviceBeanA"/>
  <alias name="serviceBean4" alias="serviceBeanB" />

disclaimer: this answer is a pure fantasy, but the comments are somewhat limited - I'll remove if it won't work

like image 56
Boris Treukhov Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 02:01

Boris Treukhov