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Using Span<T> in F#: Why is this not OK?



I am trying to implement a binary parser combinator library using Span. I am not sure if this is actually a good idea I just want to learn more about both.

I have already written a small binary parser a while ago using parser combinators which works perfectly.

The code looks like this:

type ByteRange =
    { Bytes : byte array
      BeginIndex : int
      EndIndex : int }

type ParserError<'err> =
    | EndOfStream
    | FormatError of 'err

type Parser<'T, 'err> = Parser of (ByteRange -> Result<'T * ByteRange, ParserError<'err>>)

let succeed value = Parser <| fun bytes -> Ok(value, bytes)
let fail error = Parser <| fun _ -> Error error

let internal fromResult result =
    Parser <| fun bytes ->
        match result with
        | Ok value -> Ok(value, bytes)
        | Error error -> Error(FormatError error)

let internal map f (Parser parse) =
    Parser <| fun byteRange ->
        match parse byteRange with
        | Ok(value', state') -> Ok(f value', state')
        | Error error -> Error error

I tried implemented it using Span instead of ByteRange and I just cannot do it.

Here is what I tried:

module BinaryParser

open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

type ParserError<'err> =
    | EndOfStream
    | FormatError of 'err

[<Struct; IsByRefLike>]
type Success<'a> = {
    Value: 'a
    Bytes: Span<byte>

[<Struct; IsByRefLike>]
type ParsingResult<'a, 'err> =
| Success of success:Success<'a>
| Failure of failure:ParserError<'err>

type Parser<'T, 'err> =
    Span<byte> -> ParsingResult<'T, ParserError<'err>>

let succeed (value: 'a) =
    fun (bytes: Span<byte>) ->
        Success { Value = value; Bytes = bytes }

let fail error =
    fun _ ->
        Failure error

let internal fromResult result =
    fun bytes ->
        match result with
        | Ok value -> Success { Value = value; Bytes = bytes }
        | Error error -> Failure (FormatError error)

let internal map f (parse: Parser<_, _>) =
    fun bytes ->
        match parse bytes with
        | Success { Value = value'; Bytes = bytes' } -> Success { Value = f value'; Bytes = bytes' }
        | Failure error -> Failure error

I get following error in the map function in the line match parser bytes with: error FS0418: The byref typed value 'bytes' cannot be used at this point

What does this mean? Why can't I use Span here? Has somebody tried to implement parser combinator with Span? How would you try to solve this?

Thanks in advance.

like image 968
ThisFunctionalTom Avatar asked Jan 26 '23 06:01


1 Answers

This pattern (Span or other byref-like structs as a higher-order function parameter) is not supported:

let internal map f (parse: Parser<_, _>) =
    fun bytes ->
        match parse bytes with
        | Success { Value = value'; Bytes = bytes' } -> Success { Value = f value'; Bytes = bytes' }
        | Failure error -> Failure error

A simpler form:

let foo (f: Span<int> -> int) (x: Span<int>) = f x

Gives an error on f as well. There are some slight quirks with byref-like types and type abbreviations that are hiding the error on parse but you'll see it if you give it an explicit signature.

The reason is that a byref-like struct is only allocated on the stack. However, higher-order functions in F# use heap allocation. This would be a contradiction, so it's not supported.

like image 126
Phillip Carter Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 06:01

Phillip Carter