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Using Shared Dataset in Subreport




I am using SSRS with MS SQL Server 2008 R2, which has the new feature of supporting shared datasets.

First, I created my shared dataset, and made sure that it worked correctly and had a good connection. That worked great.

Second, I created a new report (Let's call it "ReportSub"), and I had it use my shared dataset. The report works great.

Third, I created another report (Let's call is "ReportMain"), and I put a subreport object into the report and associated it with "ReportSub". Doesn't work. Instead, I get this error:

Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'ReportSub', located at: /ReportSub. Please check the log files for more information.

Any ideas of what the problem may be? It will work if I use an embedded dataset, but I really need to use a shared dataset.


like image 845
Logitron Avatar asked Jun 04 '10 13:06


People also ask

Can we use shared dataset with the subreport?

Shared datasets can be cached and scheduled by creating a cache refresh plan. Embedded datasets are defined in and used by a single report. If you want to use the same dataset to the main report in the subreport, you can make the dataset as a shared dataset.

What is an embedded dataset?

Embedded Datasets Use an embedded dataset when you want to get data from an external data source to be used only in one report. Embedded datasets are useful when you want to create a query that has no other dependencies and that you do not need to use for multiple reports.

1 Answers

Currently, there is no way to Preview the subreport with shared datasource/dataset in BIDS.

Link: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/sqlreportingservices/thread/74e51434-1d14-4fb1-9b1c-1a394c187b2f

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dn7123 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 20:10
