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Using Sequelize how can I specify which field to sort / limit by?

My query is:

          $notIn: if questionIds.length > 0 then questionIds else [-1]
        TopicId: topicCount.id
        PassageId: null
        status: 'active'
          $lte: startLevel
          $gte: endLevel
      include: [
        model: db.Answer
      order: [db.Sequelize.fn 'RANDOM']
      limit: questionSections[sectionIndex].goal * 2

And that generates the following query:

SELECT "Question".*, 
       "answers"."id"         AS "Answers.id", 
       "answers"."answertext" AS "Answers.answerText", 
       "answers"."iscorrect"  AS "Answers.isCorrect", 
       "answers"."createdat"  AS "Answers.createdAt", 
       "answers"."updatedat"  AS "Answers.updatedAt", 
       "answers"."questionid" AS "Answers.QuestionId" 
FROM   (SELECT "Question"."id", 
        FROM   "questions" AS "Question" 
        WHERE  "Question"."id" NOT IN ( -1 ) 
               AND "Question"."topicid" = '79' 
               AND "Question"."passageid" IS NULL 
               AND "Question"."status" = 'active' 
               AND ( "Question"."level" <= 95 
                     AND "Question"."level" >= 65 ) 
        LIMIT  300) AS "Question" 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN "answers" AS "Answers" 
                    ON "Question"."id" = "answers"."questionid" 
ORDER  BY Random(); 

That's all well and good, except I want the ORDER BY to apply to the inner Query (SELECT "Question"."id", "Question"."status",). How can I achieve this?

like image 555
Shamoon Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 08:10


1 Answers

Have you tried defining custom scope, say random, that orders the questions randomly and then using that scope in your query like:

  include: [{
    model: db.Answer
  //order: [db.Sequelize.fn 'RANDOM'] <<<<<<< moved to custom scope
  limit: questionSections[sectionIndex].goal * 2
like image 176
Vivek Athalye Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 15:11

Vivek Athalye