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Using same functions in 2 different controllers AngularJS

I am trying to reuse a few bigger functions over 3 controllers in Angular JS. I don't want to pin the functions to my root scope as I want to keep it clear of functions which will be used only 3 times within those 3 controllers.

    angular.module('adminModule', ['adminDependency'])

        .controller('ctrl1', ['$scope', 'details', function ($scope, details) {
            // use functions

        .controller('ctrl2', ['$scope', 'details', function ($scope, details) {
            // use functions

        .controller('ctrl3', ['$scope', 'details', function ($scope, details) {
            // use functions

Can you tell me how i can achieve that without writing my functions into the root scope?

Tried it inside a factory but calling AdminModule.toLevelKey() wont work...

        [ '$resource', 'serviceURL', function ($resource, serviceURL) {

            return $resource(serviceURL + 'class/:id', {
                    id : '@id'
                }, {
                    getClasses : {
                        method  : 'GET',
                        url     : serviceURL + 'extended/class',
                        isArray : true

                    toLevelKey : function (value) {
                        var return_key = parseInt(Math.floor(value / 3));
                        var return_level = value % 3;

                        return { level : return_level + 1, levelTranslationKey : return_key + 1 };

                    fromLevelKey : function (level, key) {
                        if (angular.isDefined(level)) {
                            var value = (key - 1) * 3 + (level - 1);

                            return value;
                        } else {
                            return null;
        } ]);
like image 698
David Fariña Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 10:02

David Fariña

People also ask

Can we call function from another controller in AngularJS?

In AngularJS when it comes to communicating between controllers, one would naturally assume to reference another controller you can simply inject it into another controller and call its methods: however, you cannot do that.

Can we have two controllers in AngularJS?

An AngularJS application can contain one or more controllers as needed, in real application a good approach is to create a new controller for every significant view within the application. This approach will make your code cleaner and easy to maintain and upgrade. Angular creates one $scope object for each controller.

Can we have nested controllers in AngularJS?

Nested Controllers: AngularJS allows using nested controllers. It means that you have specified a controller in an HTML element which is a child of another HTML element using another controller.

1 Answers

This can be done by a service:

.service('myService', function(){
   return {
      fn: function(){
        // do what you want


.controller('ctrl2', ['$scope', 'details', 'myService', 
             function ($scope, details, myService) {
   // use functions
like image 120
michael Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
