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Using responsive design within Google Sites


People also ask

Does Google prefer responsive design?

“Responsive design is Google's recommended design pattern.” The responsiveness of your website is unequivocally an important factor in improving user experience and avoiding common SEO pitfalls that can hinder your Google rankings.

Why does Google recommend to use responsive web design multiple correct?

Why responsive design. We recommend using responsive web design because it: Makes it easier for users to share and link to your content with a single URL. Helps Google's algorithms accurately assign indexing properties to the page rather than needing to signal the existence of corresponding desktop/mobile pages.

Is there a way to use responsive design principles with Google Sites. Has anyone tried that. Could you direct me to a sample site. I looked at this google help topic but then that is supposedly about exclusively mobile sites.

My main focus is a normal website which is optimized for web rather than primarily a mobile site.

Alternatively would Blogger be a better option in this case as that allows to change CSS.