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Using resource bundle in Struts2 interceptors

Struts2 Actions normally extend ActionSupport class which implements of TextProvider interface and provides access to resource bundle files in a convenient way using getText() method.

I want to use resource bundle in Interceptors. I guess I have to copy TextProvider implementation and paste it in my interceptor.

I have already defined global recourse file in struts.xml

<constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value="resources.global" /> 

And place global.properties in resources package.

It works fine in Action Classes

Is there any easier way to use resource bundle in interceptors?

like image 831
Bilal Mirza Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 05:04

Bilal Mirza

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2 Answers

Your can use the java.util.ResourceBundle class.

ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("my_resource_name", locale);
like image 109
Vasily Komarov Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10

Vasily Komarov

If your action is type of ActionSupport you can do as:

ActionSupport actionSupport = (ActionSupport)invocation.getAction();
like image 39
Alireza Fattahi Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 15:10

Alireza Fattahi