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Using resolve in $routeProvider causes 'Unknown provider ...'


I am trying to do an asynchronous http request to load some data before my app loads and so I am using a resolve in $routeProvider which is an http request in my MainController. For some reason, I keep getting Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: appDataProvider <- appData where appData is where I do my http request. I am using AngularJS v 1.2.5.

Here is the code and two methods that I tried that both give the same error:

Method #1


var MainController = ['$scope','$location','appData',
    function($scope, $location, appData){

MainController.loadData = {
    appData: function($http, $location, MainFactory){
        var aid = MainFactory.extractAid($location);
        return $http({method: 'GET', url: URL_CONST + aid});


var app = angular.module('HAY', ['ngRoute']);

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when('/', {
      redirectTo: '/pages/alerts'
    .when('/pages/:pageName', {
        templateUrl: function(params) {
            return 'views/pages/' + params.pageName + '.html';
        controller: MainController,
        resolve: MainController.loadData
        redirectTo: '/pages/alerts'

I tried changing the name in case it was a conflicting system reserved keyword but with no luck. For some reason, appData is never recognized

Method #2 I also tried changing it around like so:


var app = angular.module('HEY', ['ngRoute']);

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when('/', {
      redirectTo: '/pages/alerts'
    .when('/pages/:pageName', {
        templateUrl: function(params) {
            return 'views/pages/' + params.pageName + '.html';
        controller: MainController,
        resolve: {
                appData: ['$http', '$location','MainFactory', function($http, $location, MainFactory) {
                    var aid = MainFactory.extractAid($location);
                    return $http({method: 'GET', url: URL_CONST + aid});
        redirectTo: '/pages/alerts'


var MainController = ['$scope','$location','appData',
    function($scope, $location, appData){

However, the result was exactly the same. Does this have something to do with angular 1.2.5 ?

Here is a working version from someone else


And here is the code:

function PhoneListCtrl($scope, phones) {
  $scope.phones = phones;
  $scope.orderProp = 'age';

PhoneListCtrl.resolve = {
  phones: function(Phone) {
    return Phone.query();
  delay: function($q, $defer) {
    var delay = $q.defer();
    $defer(delay.resolve, 1000);
    return delay.promise;

angular.module('phonecat', ['phonecatFilters', 'phonecatServices', 'phonecatDirectives']).
  config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
        when('/phones', {templateUrl: 'partials/phone-list.html', controller: PhoneListCtrl, resolve: PhoneListCtrl.resolve}).
        otherwise({redirectTo: '/phones'});
like image 306
Georgi Angelov Avatar asked Dec 18 '13 14:12

Georgi Angelov

1 Answers

Here's an example of the code I've used in the application I'm working on, not sure it will help much because its not much different than how you have it already.


    controller : 'viewProposalCtrl',
    templateURL : 'tmpls/get/proposal/view',
    resolve : viewProposalCtrl.resolveViewProposal


var viewProposalCtrl = angular.module('proposal.controllers')
            $scope.contacts = contacts;
            $scope.details = details;
            $scope.rationale = rationale;

            // [ REST OF CONTROLLER CODE ]

// proposalSrv is a factory service

viewProposalCtrl.resolveViewProposal = {
    contacts : ['$route','proposalSrv',function($route,proposalSrv){
        return proposalSrv.get('Contacts',$route.current.params.id)
               return data.data.contacts;
               return [];
    details : ['$route','proposalSrv',function($route,proposalSrv){
        return proposalSrv.get('Details',$route.current.params.id)
                return data.data.details;
                return {};
    rationale : ['$route','proposalSrv',function($route,proposalSrv){
        return proposalSrv.get('Rationale',$route.current.params.id)
                return data.data.rationale;
                return {};

Now that I think about it, when I was developing my application I did have a problem and not sure why when I named my resolve function "resolve." This gave me a problem:

     // stuff here
     resolve : myCtrlr.resolve

but this did not:

     //stuff here
     resolve : myCtrlr.myResolveFn

Another Possibility

The only other thing I can think of, is that you're returning the promise from the $http call and then trying to use appData.data Try using the .then function or one of the other functions (.success,.error) to retrieve the information from the promise.

like image 123
m.e.conroy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10
