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Using RequireJS alongside non-AMD JavaScript files

I'm trying to convert a JavaScript-heavy page to use TypeScript, with RequireJS to manage the module dependencies.

The problem I've got is that, as well as the inter-dependencies between the TypeScript files, the page also depends on some common JavaScript files that are shared with other parts of the system, not yet converted to AMD.

Is it very dangerous to put non-AMD scripts in normal <SCRIPT> tags above the tag for Require, and just assume that they're loaded?

If that's a bad idea, what's a better way to handle this? Do I need to have AMD and non-AMD version of each script? Or do I need to convert all scripts so that they optionally call define()?

like image 773
Jonathan Sayce Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 16:01

Jonathan Sayce

People also ask

How do you use RequireJS?

Syntax. define(['module1', 'module2'], function (module1, module2) { //define the module value by returning a value return function () {}; }); You can pass a list of module names when you define a module and RequireJS can be used to retrieve these modules before executing the module.

Why do we need RequireJS?

RequireJS is a JavaScript library and file loader which manages the dependencies between JavaScript files and in modular programming. It also helps to improve the speed and quality of the code.

Is RequireJS asynchronous?

RequireJS, like LABjs, allows for asynchronous JavaScript loading and dependency management; but, RequireJS uses a much more modular approach to dependency definitions. This is just an initial exploration of RequireJS. RequireJS seems to be quite robust and includes optimization and "build" tools for deployment.

What is the main purpose of the RequireJS framework?

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It improves perceived page load times because it allows JavaScript to load in the background. In particular, it enables asynchronous JavaScript loading.

2 Answers

Recent versions of RequireJS allow you to pretend that the plain JS files are actually AMD modules that just return nothing.

The most recent version I tried - 2.1.4 - actually allows you to treat plain JS files like modules. Example:

        'path/to/module' // <- AMD module
        ,'path/to/plainjs' // <- actually a plain JS file
    , function(module, plain){
        // module will be per define in that file.
        // plain will be 'undefined' type

You can just mix module-like refs to plain JS files freely. As long as they are loaded in the right order, they will update whatever globals they update and you get what you want. Example:

require(['js/underscore'], function(){

    // nesting to insure Underscore, a prereq to BackBone
    // completes loading before backbone starts
            'path/to/module' // <- AMD module
            ,'js/backbone' // <- actually a plain JS file
        , function(module){
            // module will be per define in that file.

            window.BackBone // is available for you



Note, while RequireJS used to require that you add ".js" to the end of the plain JS files to indicate that they are plain JS, in the examples above you do NOT use ".js" This, extension-less module reference allows the module ID to follow paths and maps aliases, while ids with .js are treated as literal and are never translated.

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ddotsenko Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09


You can manually include the additional scripts in script tags, but this could become the reason things always break for your team (someone forgot to add a particular script).

You can reference the require.d.ts definition from Definitely Typed and make direct calls to the require function rather than an import statement, which might make things more consistent for you.

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Fenton Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09
