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Using regular expressions to parse HTML: why not?

It seems like every question on stackoverflow where the asker is using regex to grab some information from HTML will inevitably have an "answer" that says not to use regex to parse HTML.

Why not? I'm aware that there are quote-unquote "real" HTML parsers out there like Beautiful Soup, and I'm sure they're powerful and useful, but if you're just doing something simple, quick, or dirty, then why bother using something so complicated when a few regex statements will work just fine?

Moreover, is there just something fundamental that I don't understand about regex that makes them a bad choice for parsing in general?

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ntownsend Avatar asked Feb 26 '09 14:02


People also ask

Why you should not use regex?

Regex isn't suited to parse HTML because HTML isn't a regular language. Regex probably won't be the tool to reach for when parsing source code. There are better tools to create tokenized outputs. I would avoid parsing a URL's path and query parameters with regex.

Can HTML be parsed?

The browser parses HTML into a DOM tree. HTML parsing involves tokenization and tree construction. HTML tokens include start and end tags, as well as attribute names and values. If the document is well-formed, parsing it is straightforward and faster.

Can you parse XML with regex?

XML is not a regular language (that's a technical term) so you will never be able to parse it correctly using a regular expression.

Can you parse regex with regex?

No, it is not possible: regular expression language allows parenthesized expressions representing capturing and non-capturing groups, lookarounds, etc., where parentheses must be balanced.

9 Answers

Entire HTML parsing is not possible with regular expressions, since it depends on matching the opening and the closing tag which is not possible with regexps.

Regular expressions can only match regular languages but HTML is a context-free language and not a regular language (As @StefanPochmann pointed out, regular languages are also context-free, so context-free doesn't necessarily mean not regular). The only thing you can do with regexps on HTML is heuristics but that will not work on every condition. It should be possible to present a HTML file that will be matched wrongly by any regular expression.

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Johannes Weiss Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Johannes Weiss

For quick´n´dirty regexp will do fine. But the fundamental thing to know is that it is impossible to construct a regexp that will correctly parse HTML.

The reason is that regexps can’t handle arbitarly nested expressions. See Can regular expressions be used to match nested patterns?

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kmkaplan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


(From http://htmlparsing.com/regexes)

Say you've got a file of HTML where you're trying to extract URLs from <img> tags.

<img src="http://example.com/whatever.jpg">

So you write a regex like this in Perl:

if ( $html =~ /<img src="(.+)"/ ) {
    $url = $1;

In this case, $url will indeed contain http://example.com/whatever.jpg. But what happens when you start getting HTML like this:

<img src='http://example.com/whatever.jpg'>


<img src=http://example.com/whatever.jpg>


<img border=0 src="http://example.com/whatever.jpg">



or you start getting false positives from

<!-- // commented out
<img src="http://example.com/outdated.png">

It looks so simple, and it might be simple for a single, unchanging file, but for anything that you're going to be doing on arbitrary HTML data, regexes are just a recipe for future heartache.

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Andy Lester Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Andy Lester

Two quick reasons:

  • writing a regex that can stand up to malicious input is hard; way harder than using a prebuilt tool
  • writing a regex that can work with the ridiculous markup that you will inevitably be stuck with is hard; way harder than using a prebuilt tool

Regarding the suitability of regexes for parsing in general: they aren't suitable. Have you ever seen the sorts of regexes you would need to parse most languages?

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Hank Gay Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Hank Gay

As far as parsing goes, regular expressions can be useful in the "lexical analysis" (lexer) stage, where the input is broken down into tokens. It's less useful in the actual "build a parse tree" stage.

For an HTML parser, I'd expect it to only accept well-formed HTML and that requires capabilities outside what a regular expression can do (they cannot "count" and make sure that a given number of opening elements are balanced by the same number of closing elements).

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Vatine Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09


Because there are many ways to "screw up" HTML that browsers will treat in a rather liberal way but it would take quite some effort to reproduce the browser's liberal behaviour to cover all cases with regular expressions, so your regex will inevitably fail on some special cases, and that would possibly introduce serious security gaps in your system.

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Tamas Czinege Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Tamas Czinege

The problem is that most users who ask a question that has to do with HTML and regex do this because they can't find an own regex that works. Then one has to think whether everything would be easier when using a DOM or SAX parser or something similar. They are optimized and constructed for the purpose of working with XML-like document structures.

Sure, there are problems that can be solved easily with regular expressions. But the emphasis lies on easily.

If you just want to find all URLs that look like http://.../ you're fine with regexps. But if you want to find all URLs that are in a a-Element that has the class 'mylink' you probably better use a appropriate parser.

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okoman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


Regular expressions were not designed to handle a nested tag structure, and it is at best complicated (at worst, impossible) to handle all the possible edge cases you get with real HTML.

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Peter Boughton Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Peter Boughton

I believe that the answer lies in computation theory. For a language to be parsed using regex it must be by definition "regular" (link). HTML is not a regular language as it does not meet a number of criteria for a regular language (much to do with the many levels of nesting inherent in html code). If you are interested in the theory of computation I would recommend this book.

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taggers Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09
