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Using reflection to find interfaces implemented


I have the following case:

public interface IPerson { .. }     public class Person : IPerson { .. }     public class User : Person { .. } 

Now; if I have a "User" object - how can I check if this implements IPerson using reflection? To be more precise I have an object that might have a property SomeUser, which should be of some type implementing the interface "IPerson". In my case I actually have a User, but this is what I want to check through reflection. I can't figure out how to check the property type since it is a "User", but I want to check if it implements IPerson...:

var control = _container.Resolve(objType); // objType is User here var prop = viewType.GetProperty("SomeUser"); if ((prop != null) && (prop.PropertyType is IPerson))  { .. } 

(Note that this is a simplification of my actual case, but the point should be the same...)

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stiank81 Avatar asked Oct 05 '09 11:10


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Reflection Namespace. Contains types that retrieve information about assemblies, modules, members, parameters, and other entities in managed code by examining their metadata. These types also can be used to manipulate instances of loaded types, for example to hook up events or to invoke methods.

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2 Answers

Check the Type.IsAssignableFrom method.

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Konamiman Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10


var control = _container.Resolve(objType);  var prop = viewType.GetProperty("SomeUser"); if ((prop != null) && (prop.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IPerson)))  { .. } 
like image 33
Stefan Steinegger Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10

Stefan Steinegger