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Using rake notes with .html.erb files in Rails

I'm getting started with Rails (3.2.3), and have recently discovered the rake notes feature.

This is working fine for .rb files, with comments like this:

     # TODO ...

According to the documentation it also works for .erb files. I have tried using it in the .html.erb view files like this:

    <!-- TODO ... -->  

But this doesn't work. Should it? Any ideas on what might be going wrong?

Appreciate your help!

like image 663
Derek Hill Avatar asked Jun 30 '12 12:06

Derek Hill

1 Answers

You do it like this:

<% #TODO ... %>

rake notes only detects Ruby comments, so just stick a Ruby comment into your Erb views and you're good to go.

like image 181
Veraticus Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09
