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Using r sf::st_write to non-public schema in PostgreSQL





I'm trying to write a spatial table to a schema that is not the default public schema in a PostgreSQL db.


# PostgreSQL DB parameters
host <- "myHost" 
port <- 5432
username <- "myName"
dbname <- "myDb"
password <- "MyPassword"

# Connect to db  
conn <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), dbname = dbname, host = host, port = port, user = username, password = password)

st_write(obj = cycle_hire, dsn = conn, Id(schema="myOtherSchema", table = "myCycle")) # Write data to db - currently only writes to default schema

# Disconnect db

But this adds my table to the public schema with the name "myOtherSchema"."myCycle".

Also tried above with...

dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = "myCycle", value = cycle_hire, Id(schema="mySchema"))

...substituted for st_write, which results in myCycle being written to public schema.

What am I doing wrong?

Session info:

R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows Server >= 2012 x64 (build 9200)

Running PostgreSQL 11.1 on Centos 7 OS.

like image 898
mark Avatar asked Jan 15 '19 15:01


People also ask

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Even if the two databases were both Postgresql databases, you will not be able to join. Tables must originate from the same database.

How do I go into a schema in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL the system determines which table is meant by following a search path, which is a list of schemas to look in. The first matching table in the search path is taken to be the one wanted, otherwise, if there is no match a error is raised, even if matching table names exist in other schemas in the database.

How do I connect to a PostgreSQL database in R?

Steps to Connect R & PostgreSQL using RPostgreSQLStep 1: Install the RPostgreSQL Package. Step 2: Enter your PostgreSQL Credentials. Step 3: Establish R & PostgreSQL Connection using RPostgreSQL. Step 4: Run and Test Queries using RPostgreSQL.

3 Answers

Also using Postgres 12, I initially ran into the same problem as @Cedric (a new table in public named the equivalent of "roads_spatial."mycycle". I was finally able to successfully create a new table named "mycycle" in the "roads_spatial" schema (or the equivalent in my database) with the following:

st_write(obj = cycle_hire, dsn = conn, layer = c("roads_spatial", "mycycle"), delete_layer = TRUE)
like image 144
E. Hohn Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10

E. Hohn

This happens because you are connecting to the db via package RPostgreSQL, but the syntax used for specifying table and schema is that used with connections made with package RPostgres. You can solve this using:

    conn <- dbConnect(Postgres(), dbname = dbname, host = host, port = port, 
                      user = username, password = password)
    st_write(obj = cycle_hire, dsn = conn, Id(schema="roads_spatial", table = "myCycle"))
like image 22
lbusett Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10


    conn <- dbConnect(Postgres(), dbname = dbname, host = host, port = port, 
                      user = username, password = password)
    st_write(obj = cycle_hire, dsn = conn, Id(schema="roads_spatial", table = "myCycle"))

Using Postgres 12, I get a table "roads_spatial"."mycycle" in public which is not the intended result ?

So a simple roundabout way is to write to public and then use

        "ALTER TABLE myCycle SET SCHEMA roads_spatial")

 packageVersion("RPostgres") #[1] '1.2.0'
 packageVersion("DBI")       #[1] '1.1.0'
like image 28
Cedric Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10
