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Using Python's multiprocessing.pool.map to manipulate the same integer


I'm using Python's multiprocessing module to execute functions asynchronously. What I want to do is be able to track the overall progress of my script as each process calls and executes def add_print. For instance, I would like the code below to add 1 to total and print out the value (1 2 3 ... 18 19 20) every time a process runs that function. My first attempt was to use a global variable but this didn't work. Since the function is being called asynchronously, each process reads total as 0 to start off, and adds 1 independently of other processes. So the output is 20 1's instead of incrementing values.

How could I go about referencing the same block of memory from my mapped function in a synchronous manner, even though the function is being run asynchronously? One idea I had was to somehow cache total in memory and then reference that exact block of memory when I add to total. Is this a possible and fundamentally sound approach in python?

Please let me know if you need anymore info or if I didn't explain something well enough.




## Import builtins
from multiprocessing import Pool 

total = 0

def add_print(num):
    global total
    total += 1
    print total

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nums = range(20)

    pool = Pool(processes=20)
    pool.map(add_print, nums)
like image 564
Austin A Avatar asked Aug 03 '15 00:08

Austin A

People also ask

How does pool map work Python?

The pool's map method chops the given iterable into a number of chunks which it submits to the process pool as separate tasks. The pool's map is a parallel equivalent of the built-in map method. The map blocks the main execution until all computations finish. The Pool can take the number of processes as a parameter.

How does Python multiprocess work?

multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. The multiprocessing package offers both local and remote concurrency, effectively side-stepping the Global Interpreter Lock by using subprocesses instead of threads.

1 Answers

You could use a shared Value:

import multiprocessing as mp

def add_print(num):
    with lock:
        total.value += 1

def setup(t, l):
    global total, lock
    total = t
    lock = l

if __name__ == "__main__":
    total = mp.Value('i', 0)
    lock = mp.Lock()
    nums = range(20)
    pool = mp.Pool(initializer=setup, initargs=[total, lock])
    pool.map(add_print, nums)

The pool initializer calls setup once for each worker subprocess. setup makes total a global variable in the worker process, so total can be accessed inside add_print when the worker calls add_print.

Note, the number of processes should not exceed the number of CPUs your machine has. If you do, the excess subprocesses will wait around for a CPUs to become available. So don't use processes=20 unless you have 20 or more CPUs. If you don't supply a processes argument, multiprocessing will detect the number of CPUs available and spawn a pool with that many workers for you. The number of tasks (e.g. the length of nums) usually greatly exceeds the number of CPUs. That's fine; the tasks are queued and processed by one of the workers as a worker becomes available.

like image 92
unutbu Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
