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Using python with Anaconda in Windows

I have just installed Anaconda on my computer because I need to use Numpy. Well, when I use python I for some reason have to be in the same folder as python.exe and, of course, now that I want to use Anaconda I have to be in the Anaconda3\Scripts folder where python.exe isn't. This is a nightmare, how can I use anaconda with python on a windows computer? Why does it have to be so complicated?

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The Dude Avatar asked Jun 20 '16 08:06

The Dude

1 Answers

I think you are referring to the command-line use of python?

If you have admin priviliges on your machine you can add python to your environment variables, making it available in the console anywhere. (Sorry for different spellings, I am not on an english machine)

  1. Press Shift+Pause ("System")
  2. Click "Advanced System Options"
  3. Click "Environment variables"
  4. In the lower field with "System variables" there is a variable called PATH. Append the complete path to your python.exe without the file to that by adding a ; behind the last path in the variable and then adding your path. Do not add any spaces!

Example: C:\examplepath\;C:\Python27\

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Ian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
