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Using Python to plot Natural Earth shapes as polygons in Matplotlib Basemap

I'm close to getting the map that I want. Matplotlib's Basemap is great, but the coastlines are too coarse when I zoom in. I can read the Natural Earth shapefiles and plot them, which are much better... but when I try and fill the polygons, I think it's treating all of the points as belonging to a single polygon. How can I iterate through the polygons and display the map correctly?

Thanks in advance!

Here's the code:

import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
%matplotlib inline

landColor, coastColor, oceanColor, popColor, countyColor = '#eedd99','#93ccfa','#93ccfa','#ffee99','#aa9955'

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
s = 1900000
m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=-86.5,lat_0=30.3,resolution='l',llcrnrx=-s,llcrnry=-s,urcrnrx=s,urcrnry=s)
m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=oceanColor) # fill in the ocean

# generic function for reading polygons from file and plotting them on the map. This works with Natural Earth shapes.
def drawShapesFromFile(filename,facecolor,edgecolor,m):
    m.readshapefile(filename, 'temp', drawbounds = False)
    patches = []
    for info, shape in zip(m.temp_info, m.temp): patches.append( Polygon(np.array(shape), True) )
    ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidths=1))

# read the higher resolution Natural Earth coastline (land polygons) shapefile and display it as a series of polygons


my current map

like image 903
Noise in the street Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 15:03

Noise in the street

1 Answers

As requested, here's the updated code and resulting map. All I had to do was change ne_10m_coastline to ne_10m_land like this:

import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
%matplotlib inline

landColor, coastColor, oceanColor, popColor, countyColor = '#eedd99','#93ccfa','#93ccfa','#ffee99','#aa9955'

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
s = 1900000
m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=-86.5,lat_0=30.3,resolution='l',llcrnrx=-s,llcrnry=-s,urcrnrx=s,urcrnry=s)
m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=oceanColor) # fill in the ocean

# generic function for reading polygons from file and plotting them on the map. This works with Natural Earth shapes.
def drawShapesFromFile(filename,facecolor,edgecolor,m):
    m.readshapefile(filename, 'temp', drawbounds = False)
    patches = []
    for info, shape in zip(m.temp_info, m.temp): patches.append( Polygon(np.array(shape), True) )
    ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidths=1))

# read the higher resolution Natural Earth coastline (land polygons) shapefile and display it as a series of polygons


enter image description here

like image 137
Noise in the street Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Noise in the street