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Using Python, how do I to read/write data in memory like I would with a file?

I'm used to C++, and I build my data handling classes/functions to handle stream objects instead of files. I'd like to know how I might modify the following code, so that it can handle a stream of binary data in memory, rather than a file handle.

def get_count(self):
    curr = self.file.tell()
    self.file.seek(0, 0)
    count, = struct.unpack('I', self.file.read(c_uint32_size))
    self.file.seek(curr, 0)
    return count

In this case, the code assumes self.file is a file, opened like so:

file = open('somefile.data, 'r+b')

How might I use the same code, yet instead do something like this:

file = get_binary_data()

Where get_binary_data() returns a string of binary data. Although the code doesn't show it, I also need to write to the stream (I didn't think it was worth posting the code for that).

Also, if possible, I'd like the new code to handle files as well.

like image 661
Nick Bolton Avatar asked Dec 10 '09 19:12

Nick Bolton

2 Answers

You can use an instance of StringIO.StringIO (or cStringIO.StringIO, faster) to give a file-like interface to in-memory data.

like image 91
Alex Martelli Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Alex Martelli

Take a look at Python's StringIO module, docs here, which could be pretty much what you're after.

like image 41
af. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10
