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Using PowerShell Calculated Properties from C#

So I want to execute PowerShell Calculated Properties (I hope that's the correct name) from C#.

My CmdLet in the PS (Exchange) Console looks like this:

Get-Something -ResultSize unlimited |Select-Object DisplayName,@{name="RenamedColumn;expression={$_.Name}},ToBeExpanded -Expand ToBeExpanded |Select-Object DisplayNameRenamedColumn,ToBeExpandedGuid

This works just fine, the problem occures when I try to execute it from C#.

My Code looks like this:

List<string> parameters = new List<string>()
                "DisplayName","@{{name=\"RenamedColumn\";expression={{$_.Name }} }}","ToBeExpanded"
List<string> parameters2 = new List<string>()

    result = powershell.Invoke();

My result then contains the empty ToBeExpandedGuid (null). So I tried the command without the second select and it shows me that it has the column:

@{{name=\"RenamedColumn\";expression={{$_.Name }} }}

So my thought was that powershell doesn't recognize this renaming... Now my question how do I use something like this from C#? Is there any solution?

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Raphael Fischer Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 07:10

Raphael Fischer

1 Answers

In PowerShell @{Name="RenamedColumn";Expression={$_.Name}} is not a string but a Hashtable, so in C# you also have to create a Hashtable (or other collection implementing IDictionary) to pass it to Select-Object cmdlet:

new Hashtable{

If all you want is a renaming, then you does not need ScriptBlock here:


new Hashtable{
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user4003407 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 20:10
