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Using parfor in matlab for nested loops



I want to parallelize block2 for each block1 and parallerlize outer loop too.

previous code:

    for i=rangei
        for j=rangej
            <block2> dependent on <block1>

changed code:

    parfor i=rangei
        parfor j=rangej
            <block2> dependent on <block1>

how much efficient can this get and will the changed code do the right thing? Is the changed code valid for my requirements?

like image 940
dksahuji Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 19:12


2 Answers

In MATLAB, parfor cannot be nested. Which means, in your code, you should replace one parfor by a for (the outer loop most likely). More generally, I advise you to look at this tutorial on parfor.

like image 85
Franck Dernoncourt Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 23:01

Franck Dernoncourt

parfor cannot be nested. In nested parfor statements, only the outermost call to parfor is paralellized, which means that the inner call to parfor only adds unnecessary overhead.

To get high efficiency with parfor, the number of iterations should be much higher than the number of workers (or an exact multiple in case each iteration takes the same time), and you want a single iteration to take more than just a few milliseconds to avoid feeling the overhead from paralellization.

parfor i=rangei
    for j=rangej
        <block2> dependent on <block1>

may actually fit that description, depending on the size of rangei. Alternatively, you may want to try unrolling the nested loop into a single loop, where you iterate across linear indices.

like image 40
Jonas Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 22:01
