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using out type in linq [duplicate]


People also ask

How do I find duplicate records in Linq?

To find the duplicate values only:var duplicates = list. GroupBy(x => x. Key). Where(g => g.

How do I remove duplicate rows in Linq?

How to remove the duplicates in the list using linq? You can also do var set = new HashSet<int>(); var uniques = items. Where(x => set. Add(x.Id)); .

Does Linq Union remove duplicates?

Linq, acts upon 2 collections. It returns a new collection that contains the elements that are found. Union removes duplicates. So this method can be thought of as two actions: it combines the two collections and then uses Distinct() on them, removing duplicate elements.

Possible Duplicate:
LINQ: Select parsed int, if string was parseable to int

This could be a basic question, but I couldn't figure out a work around. I have an array of strings and I tried to parse them with integers. As expected I got Format Exception.

How could I skip "3a" and proceed parsing the remaining array and storing the integers into output using Linq.? Is this a better approach or a DON'T DO practice? Pls shed some light on how to use TryParse in this case

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] values = { "1", "2", "3a","4" };
            List<int> output = new List<int>();

                output = values.Select(i => int.Parse(i)).ToList<int>();
                foreach (int i in output)

            foreach (int i in output)

