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Using openpyxl to find rows that contain cell with specific value

I am completely new to openpyxl so, as you can imagine, I am having pretty hard times when I try to make use of it.

I have an Excel report that contains only one sheet (called Sheet1). I'd like to search all cells for those that contain specific string (product name ABC in this case).

Then I would like to copy contents of every cell in the rows that contain cell with ABC product name. And assign every cell to a variable.

To give you better idea of what I am trying to achieve I'll give you an example:


So in this case I would only copy cells from rows: 2, 4, 6 (as only they contain ABC product).

I have already looked up similar questions and answers to them but I don't understand them (never have used Excel before).

like image 434
ugabuga77 Avatar asked Aug 11 '18 13:08


4 Answers

There's no need to use the pandas for this.

from openpyxl import Workbook
import openpyxl

file = "enter_path_to_file_here"
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file, read_only=True)
ws = wb.active

for row in ws.iter_rows("E"):
    for cell in row:
        if cell.value == "ABC":
            print(ws.cell(row=cell.row, column=2).value) #change column number for any cell value you want
like image 90
Henry Yik Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10

Henry Yik

is it important for you to use openpyxl to do this? i would suggest using pandas if not.

    import pandas as pd

    df = pd.read_excel("path_to_excel_file")
    df_abc = df[df["Products"] == "ABC"] # this will only contain 2,4,6 rows


    for row in df_abc.iterrows():
        # do what you want with the row 
like image 22
H. Trizi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10

H. Trizi

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook("report.xlsx")
ws = wb.active

for row in ws.rows:
if row[4].value == "ABC":
    for cell in row:
        print(cell.value, end=" ")
like image 44
eric Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10


wb = load_workbook("report.xlsx")
ws = wb.active


for row in range(2,ws.max_row+1):

To access the selected rows separately, further add this code

for row in ws.values:
    if(i in abc_rows):

To access selected rows seperately, use

abc_dict[2] gives entire second row as tuples and abc_dict[2][0] gives first cell value. you can parse till abc_dict[2][11] to get each cell of selected rows seperately.

like image 35
Blossom Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
