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Using OAuth with OData

Looking for any recent examples using OAuth with OData pref. from a WPF client without AppFabric or other dependencies

found this year+ old article


which requires AppFabric

another from DevEx also a year+ old but the sample doesn't compile http://community.devexpress.com/blogs/theonewith/archive/2011/02/24/odata-and-oauth-part-1-introduction.aspx

all the other search results refer to these 2 sites

wondering if there's been any new developments over the past year to build upon

like image 943
Kumar Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 02:03


People also ask

What is OAuth in OData?

OAuth is the authorization concept for OData services. OData (Open Data Protocol) services as e.g. offered by SAP NetWeaver Gateway, opens business systems by offering access to business functionality to SAP and non SAP clients such as HTML5 applications or mobile clients.

Can OAuth be used for REST API?

OAuth is an authorization framework that enables an application or service to obtain limited access to a protected HTTP resource. To use REST APIs with OAuth in Oracle Integration, you need to register your Oracle Integration instance as a trusted application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

Can you use OAuth with soap?

In SOAP web services, the OAuth access token can be passed in a SOAP Header inside the SOAP envelope or in the Authorization HTTP header of a request. In ReadyAPI, there is no built-in option to add the OAuth authorization to a SOAP request since the OAuth authorization is rarely used with SOAP web services.

1 Answers

ASP.NET 4.5 WebAPI will support both oData as well as oAuth out of the box. If you are starting a new project I would recommend looking into that one.

Scott Gu's last info is that the ASP.NET WebAPI beta oData is already supported and oAuth will be shipped with the RTM.

Based on past experiences with ASP.NET versions, the availability of the RTM is not for too long.

You can read about the ASP.NET WebAPI (also see comments): http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/02/23/asp-net-web-api-part-1.aspx

like image 187
ntziolis Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
