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Using npm modules in React Native projects

Is it possible to use npm modules with React Native projects directly, like one uses them within a React project by npm install <module-name>?

Of course I mean modules that can be used with a React app, that is front-end ones that will be run in the browsers JS runtime but not in the nodejs or iojs runtime as a React Native app does not run in the nodejs or iojs runtime.

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sçuçu Avatar asked Aug 30 '15 04:08


People also ask

Can react-native use npm modules?

So any front-end packages that are supposed to use HTML and be displayed in browser will not work. On the other hand, any modules that are pure javascript and run within node. js/io. js are perfectly OK to be run in react-native.

Can I use node modules in react-native?

So why does one need Node core modules to work in React Native? The answer is cross-platform code and the vast npm ecosystem. It's convenient to be able to use the same modules in React Native as in Node and browsers.

Can I use react npm package in react-native?

Sorry, but no, you cannot use react components written for the web in react-native.

1 Answers

Well, it's quite opposite. React Native actually runs within io.js runtime so most pure javascript modules for node will work. On the other hand most front-end modules written for React.js will not work for React-Native.

React Native does not use HTML DOM nor CSS as we know it from the web. It replaces the CSS/HTML DOM with the native view representation. So any front-end packages that are supposed to use HTML and be displayed in browser will not work.

On the other hand, any modules that are pure javascript and run within node.js/io.js are perfectly OK to be run in react-native.

For example, I am quite sure that Facebook uses their 'relay' data access library in their react-native apps (it's a javascript library that efficiently communicates over Facebook's Open Graph API and allows to access Facebook user's data).

The way to do it is the same as in other node.js/io.js apps. Simply run

npm install module --save

and you are done (package.json will be automatically update with the dependency for the module). Then you can use the package as usual.

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Jarek Potiuk Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09

Jarek Potiuk