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Using node summary on custom view

I'm building a custom view ona drupal site and i added all the fields i wanted, but i can't seem to find out how to add the summary that i created for the node. Anyone can help?

I've added Body, put it doesn't include the summary.


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Eduardo Mello Avatar asked Feb 18 '11 17:02

Eduardo Mello

2 Answers

Ahah - just ran into the same problem - confused me for a moment too.

Go to the View in question, click the + icon to add a field, and select Fields: body. Then when the configuration options for that comes up, go to the very bottom and you'll see a drop down labelled Formatter - select Summary or trimmed. I think this gives you the summary if it exists, if not it will trim it for you.

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Frederik Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 03:11


While the node form refers to this as the 'Summary', elsewhere, such as in the Views UI, it is typically called the 'teaser'. You should be able to find this field listed along with other node fields when editing your view.

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jhedstrom Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 05:11
