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Using ng-click vs bind within link function of Angular Directive

In the link function, is there a more "Angular" way to bind a function to a click event?

Right now, I'm doing...

myApp.directive('clickme', function() {      return function(scope, element, attrs) {     scope.clickingCallback = function() {alert('clicked!')};     element.bind('click', scope.clickingCallback);    } }); 

Is this the Angular way of doing it or is it an ugly hack? Perhaps I shouldn't be so concerned, but I'm new to this framework and would like to know the "correct" way of doing things, especially as the framework moves forward.

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ehfeng Avatar asked Feb 12 '13 01:02


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Another significant difference between ng-click and onclick is the execution context. Code inside an onclick attribute executes against the global window object, while an expression inside of ng-click executes against a specific scope object, typically the scope object representing the model for the current controller.

What is the use of NG-click?

The ng-click directive tells AngularJS what to do when an HTML element is clicked.

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The link option is just a shortcut to setting up a post-link function. controller: The directive controller can be passed to another directive linking/compiling phase. It can be injected into other directices as a mean to use in inter-directive communication.

What is Link function in AngularJS directive?

Link: The link function deals with linking scope to the DOM. Using Code for Compile. While defining a custom directive we have the option to define a link against which either we can define a function or we have the option to assign an object which will have pre & post function.

1 Answers

You may use a controller in directive:

angular.module('app', [])   .directive('appClick', function(){      return {        restrict: 'A',        scope: true,        template: '<button ng-click="click()">Click me</button> Clicked {{clicked}} times',        controller: function($scope, $element){          $scope.clicked = 0;          $scope.click = function(){            $scope.clicked++          }        }      }    }); 

Demo on plunkr

More about directives in Angular guide. And very helpfull for me was videos from official Angular blog post About those directives.

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Maxim Grach Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Maxim Grach