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using MvcMailer in WCF

We're creating an app that uses ASP.NET MVC4 for the web app and WCF for the web services that access a common data store.

The web app send emails using MvcMailer, I was hoping someone could point me to some resources that show how MvcMailer can be used from WCF as well (if the said resources exist).

I've gone through: https://github.com/smsohan/MvcMailer/issues/44

I'd rather not roll my own code, but I'm willing to go down that path if there's no better solution.


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Vimal Stan Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 02:11

Vimal Stan

1 Answers

I was the guy who posted that issue on GitHub. There are no resources out there right now for doing that, so I had to figure it out myself. Here's the little guide I wrote to my co-workers. I should post it online somewhere.

How to allow MvcMailer to function in your WCFService.

1) Enable the HttpContext

A) Add the following to your Web.Config

    <serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />   

B) Add the following attribute to your service class.

[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
//public class MyService
//  ...

2) Enable Razor

A) Add the following to your Web.Config

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
            <add assembly="System.Web.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
            <add assembly="System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
            <add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
            <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
            <add extension=".cshtml" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.RazorBuildProvider, System.Web.WebPages.Razor"/>

B) Add the following references to the WCF service project.


C) Select the references, right click, and open Properties for them. Then set the following property:

Copy Local = true

Done! MvcMailer will now work in your WCF service!

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smdrager Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11
