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Using MobX observable decorators with create-react-app

The MobX docs tell me I must "use the transform plugin transform-decorators-legacy and make sure it is first in the plugins list", in order for the decorators to work. The MobX boilerplate project suggests I need a .babelrc like:

  "presets": [
  "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy", "react-hot-loader/babel"]

How do I do that with a create-react-app generated project? Any attempt to use @ decorators errors. There is no .babelrc even after the project is 'ejected'.

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Scott Avatar asked Sep 01 '16 03:09


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Create a new React app The above command will bootstrap the application and install the dependencies. We can use cd mobx-react to go into the folder. Now, inside of the src folder, we can create a folder for our components, create a PetList component inside the folder, and open the file in your favorite editor.

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The basics of making objects observable is specifying an annotation per property using makeObservable . The most important annotations are: observable defines a trackable field that stores the state. action marks a method as action that will modify the state.

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1 Answers

There's an alternative now that was not available at the time of the accepted answer. It's custom-react-scripts. It will let you enable decorators, SASS and other niceties in your CRA app. And it does so without ejecting.

There's a nice medium article explaining the ideas behind it.

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AlanP Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
