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Using Math.pow() function




I'm trying to make a program in Java to calculate the formula for the Ricker wavelet:

enter image description here

But the results are not matching to the real ones.

This is what I'm using:

private static double rickerWavelet(double t, double f){

   double p = (Math.pow(Math.PI, 2))*(Math.pow(f, 2))*(Math.pow(t, 2));

   double lnRicker = 1 - (2 * p) * Math.exp(-p);

   return lnRicker;

Am I using the Math functions wrongly?

like image 917
Rikkin Avatar asked Oct 17 '13 12:10


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1 Answers

To match the formula,

double lnRicker = 1 - (2 * p) * Math.exp(-p);

needs to be

double lnRicker = (1 - (2 * p)) * Math.exp(-p);

Since * has higher operator precedence than -, in your expression the multiplication of (2 * p) with Math.exp(-p) will be done first, which is not what you want.

like image 117
AakashM Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09
