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Using many mutex locks

I have a large tree structure on which several threads are working at the same time. Ideally, I would like to have an individual mutex lock for each cell.

I looked at the definition of pthread_mutex_t in bits/pthreadtypes.h and it is fairly short, so the memory usage should not be an issue in my case.

However, is there any performance penalty when using many (let's say a few thousand) different pthread_mutex_ts for only 8 threads?

like image 849
hanno Avatar asked May 05 '10 12:05


People also ask

Can you have multiple mutexes?

If you have more than one mutex, each mutex is independent: a thread can hold neither, one or both of them. In your Reader , a thread first acquires mutex .

How many locks can be defined in a single Pthreads program?

A pthread mutex is a structure of type pthread_mutex_t that implement a behavior based on the Pthread mutexes. An MI mutex is a structure built into the machine that implement a similar sort of serialization construct. The maximum number of recursive locks by the owning thread is 32,767.

Can mutex cause deadlock?

Mutexes are used to prevent multiple threads from causing a data race by accessing the same shared resource at the same time. Sometimes, when locking mutexes, multiple threads hold each other's lock, and the program consequently deadlocks.

Are mutex locks fair?

One advantage of OS mutexes is that they guarantee fairness: All threads waiting for a lock form a queue, and, when the lock is released, the thread at the head of the queue acquires it. It's 100% deterministic.

1 Answers

If you are locking and unlocking very frequently, there can be a penalty, since obtaining and releasing locks does take some time, and can take a fair amount of time if the locks are contended.

When using many locks in a structure like this, you will have to be very specific about what each lock actually locks, and make sure you are careful of AB-BA deadlocks. For example, if you are changing the tree's structure during a locking operation, you will need to lock all the nodes that will be changed, in a consistent order, and make sure that threads working on descendants do not become confused.

If you have a very large number of locks, spread out across memory, caching issues could cause performance problems, depending on the architecture, as locking operations will generally invalidate at least some part of the cache.

Your best bet is probably to implement a simple locking structure, then profile it, then refine it to improve performance, if necessary. I'm not sure what you're doing with the tree, but a good place to start might be a single reader-writer lock for the whole tree, if you expect to read much more than you update.

"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil." -- Donald Knuth

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WhirlWind Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10
