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Using lists in a pandas query

I am performing a query on a DataFrame:

Index Category
1     Foo
2     Bar
3     Cho
4     Foo

I would like to return the rows where the category is "Foo" or "Bar". When I use the code:


This works fine and returns:

Index Category
1     Foo
2     Bar
4     Foo

However in future I will want the filter to be changed dynamically so I wrote:


Which threw out the error:

UndefinedVariableError: name 'filter_list' is not defined

Other variations I tried with no success were:


Respectively producing:

ValueError: expr must be a string to be evaluated, <class 'bool'> given
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
like image 277
William Wade Avatar asked Aug 28 '19 15:08

William Wade

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1 Answers

Use @ to reference variables in query:


df.query("Category == @filter_list")


   Index Category
0      1      Foo
1      2      Bar
3      4      Foo
like image 88
Scott Boston Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Scott Boston